Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Don’t Blame the President

You agreed to settle for lesser products in exchange for lower overhead. You put it on plastic while your bank accounts remained empty. You decided to be a liar. You placed appearances above truth. You bought a house and car you couldn't afford and blamed your losses on the cost of higher education. You agreed to eat garbage and called it a value. You created, supported, and passed corrupt legislation to advance your selfish wants and needs. You let your family and marriage take a backseat to financial gain and self absorption. You made life into a television show and chose to believe the lies it fed you. You became impatient and hateful. You agreed to pay at the pump. You forgot the working poor. You submitted to the rich and powerful in exchange for anonymity. You diluted religion until it fit your needs. You made enemies you cannot defeat. You repeated the mistakes of Rome. None of this is the President’s fault. You have only yourself to blame and now you’re totally fucked.